Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Friend Dukes

Been busy around here and haven't gotten to the keyboard!

We had a nice weekend and made the rounds! Friday, mommy took me to the farm and it was nice to rest and be with grandpa and grandpa! We even got to stay over night! Saturday we had another shower at Grandma Carol's and had so many friends and family come to meet me. I was a little anti-social and slept most of the time though! We celebrated my uncle Eric's 30th birthday on Saturday night.

Sunday we went to Eden Prairie to have a little celebration for my buddy Dukes. He is retiring this spring after many, many years of teaching and coaching in the Duluth Schools. He was the main man in the way of prayer before I was ever born. He prayed for my mom and dad a whole bunch as they really wanted to have a baby...Dukes was faithful in his prayers and God was faithful in answering them because HERE I AM!! I am so glad that finally got to meet him in person. He is going to move to Florida after retiring, so I will probably have to go and visit him there.
Sunday, April 29, 2007  Been busy around here and haven't gotten to the keyboard!    We had a nice weekend and made the rounds!  Friday, mommy took me to the farm and it was nice to rest and be with grandpa and grandpa!  We even got to stay over night!  Saturday we had another shower at Grandma Carol's and had so many friends and family come to meet me.  I was a little anti-social and slept most of the time though!  We celebrated my uncle Eric's 30th birthday on Saturday night.  Sunday we went to Eden Prairie to have a little celebration for my buddy Dukes.  He is retiring this spring after many, many years of teaching and coaching in the Duluth Schools.  He was the main man in the way of prayer before I was ever born.  He prayed for my mom and dad a whole bunch as they really wanted to have a baby...Dukes was faithful in his prayers and God was faithful in answering them because HERE I AM!!  I am so glad that finally got to meet him in person.  He is going to move to Florida after retiring, so I will probably have to go and visit him there.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Love My Mac

Don't you just love Macs??? My dad took this photo of us as we were working on tonight's blog. That cool little webcam can keep track of us!! Actually dad's working on some basketball stuff, but snapped a shot of us. Mommy is sleeping right now and boy, is that much deserved!! She had a long few days with the State Convention and is now trying to get her Master's Degree stuff finished in the next couple weeks.

Grandma Carol came and spent the day with me so that mommy could rest and get some work done. I even went for a walk with G'ma and Sogn while mom and dad went to church to meet about my baptism. That is going to be on May 6 here in Lakeville.

It's been so fun to read all of your comments along the way...keep em coming. We love to hear from you!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007  Don't you just love Macs???  My dad took this photo of us as we were working on tonight's blog.  That cool little webcam can keep track of us!!  Actually dad's working on some basketball stuff, but snapped a shot of us.  Mommy is sleeping right now and boy, is that much deserved!!  She had a long few days with the State Convention and is now trying to get her Master's Degree stuff finished in the next couple weeks.  Grandma Carol came and spent the day with me so that mommy could rest and get some work done.  I even went for a walk with G'ma and Sogn while mom and dad went to church to meet about my baptism.  That is going to be on May 6 here in Lakeville.   It's been so fun to read all of your comments along the way...keep em coming.  We love to hear from you!

Monday, April 23, 2007

State FFA Convention

Well what an exciting day! It was my first MN FFA State Convention and what a blast. There were so many friends there that were anxious to meet me. I was such a good boy all day.

I am pictured here with the MN State Officers along with Rachel Himburg, who is the National Vice President and is from Alabama.

It was another beautiful spring day and neat to see all those blue corduroy jackets. You can see that I was wearing mine for the photo too. I took it off after that because it was so warm...everyone else had to wear theirs!

Mommy and Daddy are so thankful that we have so many great friends and they are pretty proud to show me off. They are also very thankful that we have that sweet was a lifesaver today!
Monday, April 23, 2007 Well what an exciting day!  It was my first MN FFA State Convention and what a blast.  There were so many friends there that were anxious to meet me.  I was such a good boy all day.    I am pictured here with the MN State Officers along with Rachel Himburg, who is the National Vice President and is from Alabama.  It was another beautiful spring day and neat to see all those blue corduroy jackets.  You can see that  I was wearing mine for the photo too.  I took it off after that because it was so warm...everyone else had to wear theirs!  Mommy and Daddy are so thankful that we have so many great friends and they are pretty proud to show me off.  They are also very thankful that we have that sweet was a lifesaver today!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Richard Twins

As you can see here, we had some company today! My good friends, the Richards Twins, Maxx & Maya came up from Albert Lea with their mommy and daddy Jess & Brett. It was really fun to see them and we had a great time while our parents sat around, talked and took photos of us. My dad had a gallery already made for Maxx & Maya from when they were born in December. He added some more photos THERE today. I can't believe how much they've grown and I will be just like them in only a few more months!

Daddy also got a really neat photo of mommy's reflection in my eyes today. The sun was shining on her face and you can see her really well in my eye. You can check it out if you like by clicking HERE.

We also officially got our house for sale today too. We hope it sells so that we can move back to Sogn Valley someday soon.

Mommy's big few days of the FFA State Convention kind of kicks off tomorrow, so we'll be pretty busy. I am going to wear my new FFA jacket to the Convention!
Saturday, April 21, 2007 As you can see here, we had some company today!  My good friends, the Richards Twins, Maxx & Maya came up from Albert Lea with their mommy and daddy Jess & Brett.  It was really fun to see them and we had a great time while our parents sat around, talked and took photos of us.  My dad had a gallery already made for Maxx & Maya from when they were born in December.  He added some more photos THERE today.  I can't believe how much they've grown and I will be just like them in only a few more months!  Daddy also got a really neat photo of mommy's reflection in my eyes today.  The sun was shining on her face and you can see her really well in my eye.  You can check it out if you like by clicking HERE.  We also officially got our house for sale today too.  We hope it sells so that we can move back to Sogn Valley someday soon.  Mommy's big few days of the FFA State Convention kind of kicks off tomorrow, so we'll be pretty busy.  I am going to wear my new FFA jacket to the Convention!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Back Into Routine

This has certainly been a busy week for us around here! Daddy went back to school (reluctantly) and mommy has been so busy trying to get things ready for the FFA State Convention starting this weekend.

Aunties Jessica and Kecia came to help mommy on Tuesday which was great. There was always someone there to hold me!!

On Wednesday we went to the doctor again and I am gaining weight like crazy! I now weigh 7 pounds 5 ounces and am still on pace for my 1400 pounds by age 18.

Thursday I got to go to school in St. Paul with mommy. I got to meet so many people there and they were all so nice and anxious to meet me.

And finally today, Aunt Amy came up and spent the day with me. Mommy was working hard and Amy and I went for walks in between feedings.

Daddy got this photo of me this week showing how happy I was after eating...I am laughing because mommy just told daddy to change my diaper!!
Friday, April 20, 2007  This has certainly been a busy week for us around here!  Daddy went back to school (reluctantly) and mommy has been so busy trying to get things ready for the FFA State Convention starting this weekend.  Aunties Jessica and Kecia came to help mommy on Tuesday which was great.  There was always someone there to hold me!!    On Wednesday we went to the doctor again and I am gaining weight like crazy!  I now weigh 7 pounds 5 ounces and am still on pace for my 1400 pounds by age 18.  Thursday I got to go to school in St. Paul with mommy.  I got to meet so many people there and they were all so nice and anxious to meet me.  And finally today, Aunt Amy came up and spent the day with me.  Mommy was working hard and Amy and I went for walks in between feedings.  Daddy got this photo of me this week showing how happy I was after eating...I am laughing because mommy just told daddy to change my diaper!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

New Stroller

It was such a beautiful day today! Grandma Carol brought my new stroller (it's a Jeep) so we got to go for a walk outside. Sogn came with us too. We talked about all the fun places that we'll be able to stroll around now...trails at the lake, the state fair, and the Arboretum with Noah!

I also went with mommy to the U of M today because she had to be in a class. Grandma Carol came along and took me for a walk. My first college visit!! I am going to wait to see what offers I have before making my decision. I will probably try to sign my National Letter of Intent in the fall of 2025.

I was sad this morning because daddy had to go back to work today. He came home at lunchtime for a few minutes to see me though. Only about seven weeks left until summer vacation...yeah!!
Monday, April 16, 2007  It was such a beautiful day today!  Grandma Carol brought my new stroller (it's a Jeep) so we got to go for a walk outside.  Sogn came with us too.   We talked about all the fun places that we'll be able to stroll around now...trails at the lake, the state fair, and the Arboretum with Noah!  I also went with mommy to the U of M today because she had to be in a  class.  Grandma Carol came along and took me for a walk.  My first college visit!!  I am going to wait to see what offers I have before making my decision.  I will probably try to sign my National Letter of Intent in the fall of 2025.  I was sad this morning because daddy had to go back to work today.  He came home at lunchtime for a few  minutes to see me though.  Only about seven weeks left until summer vacation...yeah!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

First Farm Trip

What a big day for me...we left the house and not to go to the doctor! Mommy & Daddy loaded me up in the backseat of the truck with Sogn and off to the farm and Rochester we went!

It was Grandpa Gary's birthday today, so we had a great time there with Eric & Kecia, Amy & Kevin and Grandpa & Grandma. Jan & Denny joined us for lunch and Theda & Cleo stopped by too.

Then we went up to the farm. It was such a beautiful day there. The Pioneer guys were unloading seed, so I figured that Grandpa Don was getting ready to start planting! I finally got my photo taken with Aunt Lindsay too! She is having a baby in August and I am planning on a cousin to hang out with a lot. I also got to see my great aunt Sue!

Mommy & Daddy took me in the barn too as you can see in the photo. It was pretty smelly, but I think that I can get used to it!
Saturday, April 14, 2007 What a big day for me...we left the house and not to go to the doctor!  Mommy & Daddy loaded me up in the backseat of the truck with Sogn and off to the farm and Rochester we went!  It was Grandpa Gary's birthday today, so we had a great time there with Eric & Kecia, Amy & Kevin and Grandpa & Grandma.  Jan & Denny joined us for lunch and Theda & Cleo stopped by too.  Then we went up to the farm.  It was such a beautiful day there.  The Pioneer guys were unloading seed, so I figured that Grandpa Don was getting ready to start planting!  I finally got my photo taken with Aunt Lindsay too!  She is having a baby in August and I am planning on a cousin to hang out with a lot.  I also got to see my great aunt Sue!  Mommy & Daddy took me in the barn too as you can see in the photo.  It was pretty smelly, but I think that I can get used to it!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Great Grandmas

Six days old! Where has the time gone. It seems like just yesterday I was kicking my mom in the ribs over and over again!

I have been sleeping pretty well the past couple of nights and getting up to eat every few hours.

Our puppy Sogn is slowly adjusting to me. He even slept for a while in my room with me last night.

I went in for my first doctor check up today and it w as also my first venture outside the house. Good times. Doc was very proud of me and the weight I had gained. I weighed 6lbs, 11oz which was up 3 ounces from birth weight. I also cracked the 20" barrier. My dad helped me figure out that if I continue to grow at this pace, i will be 19 feet-4 inches and weigh about 14oo pounds when I graduate!

Both my great grandmas came to visit tonight from Winona. Gpa Gary & Gma Carol brought Great Gma Sylvia and Great Gma Rosemary here and they were so happy to see me. We got a bunch of photos and mommy and daddy were so glad they were able to come and meet me.
Thursday, April 12, 2007 Six days old!  Where has the time gone.  It seems like just yesterday I was kicking my mom in the ribs over and over again!  I have been sleeping pretty well the past couple of nights and getting up to eat every few hours.    Our puppy Sogn is slowly adjusting to me.  He even slept for a while in my room with me last night.  I went in for my first doctor check up today and it was also my first venture outside the house.  Good times.  Doc was very proud of me and the weight I had gained.  I weighed 6lbs, 11oz which was up 3 ounces from birth weight.  I also cracked the 20" barrier.  My dad helped me figure out that if I continue to grow at this pace, i will be 19 feet-4 inches and weigh about 14oo pounds when I graduate!    Both my great grandmas came to visit tonight from Winona.  Gpa Gary & Gma Carol brought Great Gma Sylvia and Great Gma Rosemary here and they were so happy to see me.  We got a bunch of photos and mommy and daddy were so glad they were able to come and meet me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another great day here at home! We had a few more visitors and it's so great to meet all these new friends.

I learned a new trick today that is pretty funny. I now know that it feels good to pee right after they open up my diaper!! I pulled it off four times today alone!! Only it leaves mommy and daddy cleaning up after me all the time. Fortunately for me, I got my first bath since we came home fromt he hospital. Much like my dad, I love having my hair washed and combed. It makes me fall asleep.

Mommy got out to the drug store today and left me home alone with dad for the first time. We laid on the couch, watched sports on tv and farted...stuff like that! You know it was just the guys!!

The Ertl's and Larsen's stopped by this evening and as you can see in the photo, got my FFA career started! I have my first blue corduroy jacket!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007  Another great day here at home!  We had a few more visitors and it's so great to meet all these new friends.    I learned a new trick today that is pretty funny.  I now know that it feels good to pee right after they open up my diaper!!  I pulled it off four times today alone!!  Only it leaves mommy and daddy cleaning up after me all the time.  Fortunately for me, I got my first bath since we came home fromt he hospital.  Much like my dad, I love having my hair washed and combed.  It makes me fall asleep.  Mommy got out to the drug store today and left me home alone with dad for the first time.  We laid on the couch, watched sports on tv and farted...stuff like that!  You know it was just the guys!!  The Ertl's and Larsen's stopped by this evening and as you can see in the photo, got my FFA career started!  I have my first blue corduroy jacket!!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Finally At Home

My first full day at home! Grandma Debbie came over this morning and helped around the house which mommy and daddy really appreciated, especially after a restless night.

Grandpa and Grandma Addington came this evening with my new pal, Sogn. He was a little on the jealous side of me in his territory, but did atleast give me a little kiss. He is going to have to adjust to not being the only baby in the house. I think we'll be good pals and have some great times together once I get a little bigger.

I was really awake this evening and making some great faces and smiles. Of course, daddy had his camera out and you can check out the photos in the My New Home gallery. I am getting good in front of that camera of his!
Monday, April 9, 2007  My first full day at home!  Grandma Debbie came over this morning and helped around the house which mommy and daddy really appreciated, especially after a restless night.    Grandpa and Grandma Addington came this evening with my new pal, Sogn.  He was a little on the jealous side of me in his territory, but did atleast give me a little kiss.  He is going to have to adjust to not being the only baby in the house.  I think we'll be good pals and have some great times together once I get a little bigger.    I was really awake this evening and making some great faces and smiles.  Of course, daddy had his camera out and you can check out the photos in the My New Home gallery.  I am getting good in front of that camera of his!

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Well you can barely see me, but that's me bundled up in that carseat! Mom and dad packed me up, said goodbye to all our great doctors and nurses and ventured out into the real world with me! They're not really sure what their doing, but we'll make it!

We got home and Mike and Laura Bidne stopped to say hi and Uncle Joey and Aunt Jessica also came to see me again. I pretty much slept until it got dark out and then figured it was about time to get this party started. I had a great time eating and dirtying my diaper all night long. It was really fun for me, but mommy and daddy were tired. They better get used to it! All in all I am really glad to be home.
Sunday, April 8, 2007 - EASTER SUNDAY  Well you can barely see me, but that's me bundled up in that carseat!  Mom and dad packed me up, said goodbye to all our great doctors and nurses and ventured out into the real world with me!  They're not really sure what their doing, but we'll make it!  We got home and Mike and Laura Bidne stopped to say hi and Uncle Joey and Aunt Jessica also came to see me again.  I pretty much slept until it got dark out and then figured it was about time to get this party started.  I had a great time eating and dirtying my diaper all night long.  It was really fun for me, but mommy and daddy were tired.  They better get used to it!  All in all I am really glad to be home.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Well I am smiling here because it really has been a great day and half. My first day and a half! My mom and dad are a little tired, but having so much fun with me and all of our friends and family that have stopped by to visit.

My mommy and daddy came to the hospital on Thurday night about 9PM after mommy spent most of the day having painful contractions. That epidural sure helped! Things really got going about 1:30AM and I showed up at 3:10AM on Friday, April 6. I weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches long. Dr. Cho actually held me up right away and said, "hmmm, six pounds, eight ounces." She was right on!

I have been sleeping A LOT but I am slowly learning to eat and have my diaper changed. My dad changed the first diaper and it was a nice dirty one! Haha. I will have many more of those for him!
Saturday, April 7, 2007  Well I am smiling here because it really has been a great day and half.  My first day and a half!  My mom and dad are a little tired, but having so much fun with me and all of our friends and family that have stopped by to visit.  My mommy and daddy came to the hospital on Thurday night about 9PM after mommy spent most of the day having painful contractions.  That epidural sure helped!  Things really got going about 1:30AM and I showed up at 3:10AM on Friday, April 6.  I weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches long.  Dr. Cho actually held me up right away and said, "hmmm, six pounds, eight ounces."  She was right on!  I have been sleeping A LOT but I am slowly learning to eat and have my diaper changed.  My dad changed the first diaper and it was a nice dirty one!  Haha.  I will have many more of those for him!