Friday, June 27, 2008

My Brother/Sister

Though I have a lot of stories to tell about my time at FFA Camp this last week, I had to show off a couple photos of my new brother/sister from yesterday! He/She had his/her arms and feet up in front of his/her face the whole time, but we snuck a couple shots in there. I was really more interested in getting back to the bbbffish, bfish in the lobby though. Here are a couple photos.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Up North

What a little adventure I had on my hands the other night!! Mommy, daddy, Sogn and I headed north for SGLC at Deep Portage near Hackensack. We got there and unloaded and then daddy and I took Sogn up to Deer Lake where Gma and Gpa are for a few weeks. It was a great night and I went right down on the sand and started playing. I just loved the sand and water. Even in this sequence of photos, I was trying out the sand...just for the record...doesn't taste too good!!

We stayed the night at the cabin. We went for a boatride and sat on the swing for quite a while!! It was a great time. We went back to Deep Portage and it was great to see mommy. We are all headed back to Deer Lake next week. Daddy and I were walking outside last night and saw a deer. She was just walking around and eating. We snuck around this corner and she walked right by us. I kept saying, "buck, buck, buck". Daddy was very proud of me!

We even all wore our new Crocs when we went on a walk in the woods. It was a great walk, but the mosquitoes were really bad! I got a couple bites, but I really don't even know what's happening. Mommy and daddy keep a good eye on me!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back to Nebraska

I have been gone away this week with mommy to Nebraska for SLCCL. It has been fun except I miss daddy and my teeth are KILLING ME!!! I am getting three new ones at one time and mommy is having her hands full keeping me passivised. I have been a real bear, but I just can't help it! All the state officers have been really patient with me and helped mommy out too. I am really excited to get home tomorrow to see daddy. Then we're leaving Sunday to head up north. Some time at Deep Portage and then to Deer Lake with Gma and Gpa.

Daddy has had basketball camp this week while we've been gone and he has tried to get caught up on a lot of work at home. Weddings have kept him busy on the weekends and he has more the next few weeks too.